Why businesses should strive for racial diversity
In recent weeks, the Black Lives Matter movement has sparked a tidal wave of conversation around racial equality and the need for change.
Many businesses have responded with a pledge of solidarity, vowing to step up their own efforts to increase diversity, and it’s become increasingly clear that there will be no room for companies to slip up when it comes to building diverse workplaces.
As both a business owner and the daughter of first generation immigrants, this is a subject that is very personal to me. Am I surprised at the vast movement taking place? No. Can anyone be racist or have biased beliefs? Yes. Do I wish things would get better? Absolutely.
That’s why it’s so important that we spend more time understanding each other and our histories and learning from past mistakes. I don’t profess to be a diversity expert, but I am taking steps to broaden by knowledge and share my experiences and this should be the case for everyone including business leaders.
Every business – from the biggest corporation to the smallest SME – has a responsibility and moral duty to create a fair and level playing field and ensure that all employees, regardless of their differences, feel safe, supported and welcomed.
Understanding diversity and inclusion
Our mission at JourneyHR has always been to create great places to work and equality, diversity and inclusivity are absolutely crucial to achieving that. We have seen some fantastic examples of companies who are actively focused and intent on making positive change, but the stark fact remains that we’ve still got a long way to go.
Figures from the IPA revealed the number of employees from an ethnic minority background was just 13.7% in 2019. This startling lack of racial diversity is not just limited to advertising; a quick scan of the UK’s biggest businesses also shows a worrying lack of progress with more than a third of FTSE 100 companies still lacking ethnic minority representation on their boards.
It can be easy for business leaders to make assumptions about how well they’re doing, but we must all take the time and effort to truly understand the demographics and representation within our organisation and ask employees about their own view of diversity within the workplace. Getting under the skin of the business and having access to this data will enable leaders to better recognise their own diversity challenge and the barriers they must overcome.
However, true diversity is about far more than meeting quotas. In order to make diversity intrinsic to the business, leaders must build a culture of inclusivity where all employees are valued and given the opportunity to thrive.
When employees feel respected, included and listened to, without fear of judgement, they are much more likely to be engaged in their work and reach their fullest potential. What’s more, a melting pot of different experiences, ideas and perspectives is crucial for debate and innovation, leading to better business practices and improved decision-making. Not surprisingly, research from McKinsey & Co found companies with more culturally and ethnically diverse teams were 33% more likely to see better-than-average profits.
If companies make the mistake of hiring for diversity without shifting the organisational culture to become more inclusive, it could backfire, with higher levels of employee frustration, disengagement and ultimately, turnover.
Creating inclusive cultures
In this climate of deep uncertainty, businesses will understandably be seeking to tighten budgets and there is likely to be a lack of hiring. However, this must not be to the detriment of diversity.
If businesses look to restructure as they seek to navigate life post-Coronavirus, they should think carefully about how to do so in a way that is mindful of diversity and ensures that everyone is given equal opportunity to succeed.
There are also plenty of steps businesses can take that do not require big budgets or dedicated teams. Leaders can initiate real change within their organisation simply by promoting inclusive behaviours such as empathy, acceptance, honesty and personal responsibility to build a culture that every employee from senior to junior can align themselves to.
Encouraging open dialogue is a great place to start. At JourneyHR, we have seen clients being proactive in inviting people within their organisation to share their own experiences. The sheer volume of conversation that people want to have is mind-blowing and has highlighted how important it is for businesses to offer a safe space where people can talk about their feelings, experiences and views.
Training and education are also vitally important. Let’s all start by understanding what racial discrimination is so we can start to understand the history behind why minority groups have been excluded in the workforce. We can all be guilty of bringing unconscious bias but if left unchecked, it risks undermining efforts to create greater inclusivity. There should be regular training for all levels of the organisation to ensure they understand what discrimination is and impact of bias, the role they play in supporting and empowering others and their ability to break down barriers.
Leaders should also consider the benefits of mentorship within the business. Not only does it build an environment of nurturing and development, but it helps to recognise and value the unique contributions of all employees and research has shown that BAME workers value mentors more than other groups.
From personal experience, simply being mindful about the small things can make a huge difference. If a manager or colleague is unsure how to pronounce someone’s name the first time, they should ensure they get it right the second time. As a business, take the time to find out what religious holidays or events are important to individual employees and mark those with a celebration. These small steps can make a huge difference to making everyone feel part of the fabric of the business.
Lasting change
While the desire for change over the past few weeks has been palpable across all walks of life, it’s important that pledges of support and commitment from businesses to “do better” do not simply fade away. Instead, they should be the foundations for lasting, positive change.
Leaders should regularly track their progress and be held accountable for delivering on a company’s promises. They should also regularly engage employees through surveys, focus groups and open and honest conversations to understand what they’re doing well and what more can be done.
Internal diversity champions are a great way to ensure diversity and inclusivity are continually promoted and embedded within the business. It goes without saying that people want to work for businesses that take care of their employees and have good employment practices, and this is only likely to grow in importance going forward.
Companies that fail to fully commit to building an inclusive workplace will ultimately harm their ability to attract new talent and be left behind. Before potential candidates even step through the door, they will have made a decision whether they will fit in or whether their background or experiences may hinder their progression.
We cannot cast a magic wand and make the world a perfect place but by taking these steps, businesses across all industries have the opportunity to usher in a new era of social acceptance where everyone feels welcome, supported and equal.